I listened to a sermon on Sunday. It was all about honor and how we can do so much better by honoring one another and putting others ahead of ourselves. It was said, “If you show honor, all will be well with you.” The sermon encouraged us to prefer one another, over ourselves. I love that expression… “Prefer one another!”
I do believe, our lives are richer, when we do good things, for one another. I love how it feels to give something to someone, especially if I knew, they really wanted or needed it. I have been on the receiving end too and it feels wonderful! I am not only talking about material things; I have been on the receiving end of some of the most gracious hearts, which have changed my life and made me a better person.
We had a bunk bed in Alyssa’s room. She slept on the bottom; I never wanted her to be up on the top. It’s hard to tell if she understands her safety boundaries. My protection for her created the desire to get her into a different bed, all together. One of our favorite people, Miss Grace, decided it was time to go do some mission work in Nepal. She called one day and asked if Alyssa would like her bedroom furniture. Alyssa LOVES her new bed. She sleeps better too (less mystery above her)! Later, we thought we would try to sell the bunk bed. We found someone who wanted it, but they were having some financial setbacks. It felt so much better to give the bunk away, so we did.
My sweet Alyssa, she is amazing. I sometimes worry… what if Alyssa doesn’t have as much to offer her friends, as they offer her. I was visiting with another parent who has a son with Autism. We talked about this fear. She said, “Just ask the other parents to talk to their children and ask them to be nice to her.” She shared that her son was incredibly welcomed by his friends. She simply asked for others to be nice to him. Yes, he was different. Yes, he was delayed significantly with his learning. Yes, he struggled with potty training. When it all came down to it and others got to know him, they preferred him as a friend. The relationships he developed were like a magic carpet..... He graduated in the top of his class in high school. He is very well liked and even though he still has differences, he soared academically, athletically and in relationships. All of this happened, by the simple gesture of others preferring him over their own inhibitions, fears, etc. This experience has given me hope.
I have wondered if Alyssa will be able to achieve balance in her relationships. Then, I look at my own life, and realize, I have some pretty special people surrounding me. Maybe, if you are on the outside looking in, you might think, we are “out of balance”, so to speak… maybe by income, upbringing, homes, vehicles, etc. The bottom line here is that it doesn’t really seem to matter. We all have the ability to impact one another in different ways. Somewhere along the line, someone preferred us over themselves and the same thing happened from us to someone else. I believe, this has sustained and nurtured relationships and kept them impartial. The give and take does not have to be measured. It just needs to be real and from the heart. The end result… perfect balance.
If honor is what it takes, I know I can say, “All is well with me.” I will do my best to prefer others over myself. I will hope others will do the same, especially for our sweet Alyssa.
Thank you for reading and have a great week. Angie
Happy Birthday Grace!! We miss you!!
Happy Birthday Grace!! We miss you!!
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